Friday, January 22, 2010

Why aren't weekends longer?

Why??? why?!! I'm not complaining (so much :D) I just want to know why? Does anybody know?

Thursday, January 21, 2010

No more thoughts???

Wow! When was the last time I posted? It's not because I ran out of thoughts. Haha. Funny. But I just got busy with work. Wish I have Apple MacBook so that I don't have to keep updating my anti-virus program. I also would like to have a Canon PowerShot D10 , by then maybe I could find Nemo! Although I think I should learn how to swim first hehe.

Ooh! These are really great products but I don't have enough money for them yet. Even my phone is too old. Really old. I think it is it's 10th year now haha. But I'm considering buying a new one or two this year. One for me and one for my Mamu G (my mom) I'll work harder to get these stuff. But I'll make sure I'm still helping my mom and other people along the way. 'Til next post.